Sunday, April 20, 2014

Even more reasons to exercise and Never Give Up!

Hey Team,

I'm sure many of you have heard of the recently released research study involving epidural stimulation.

If you haven't seen the research article yet, you can take a look here!

or, if you would prefer to see an overview you can check that out here!

This is very exciting and proves that researchers are closer than ever in finding ways to improve spinal cord injury rehabilitation and recovery.

Much of the research talked about consistent loco motor training, daily movement practice at home-7 days a week, and consistent stand training before and after implanted epidural stimulation.

Research also showed that when subjects worked consistently as instructed, they were able to have voluntary movement of their legs with less stimulation.

This makes me feel even more strongly that aggressive, repeated, task-specific activity is a very important part of an Adaptive Fitness routine for someone post SCI.

Neural Plasticity is evident in this new research, even with implanted stimulation, repeated, consistent activity yields positive results.

An Adaptive Fitness routine will keep you strong, motivated, functional, happy, and keep you ready for any and all new advancements in SCI research.

If you haven't already check out DPI Adaptive Fitness & Personal Training, we're working on some great content with online Adaptive Boxing Fitness Classes, latest research and news, and Adaptive Fitness training services for those recovering from spinal cord injury, stroke, or any other neurological illness or injury.

That's all for now,

Keep fighting, Never give up!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

DPI Fitness TV on

Hey Team,

I'm pretty excited about this.

Check out the video above or We've just launched DPI Fitness TV!!!!

What is DPI Fitness TV?

Well, It's an Adapted Fitness TV channel. What we hope to accomplish is to provide access to Adapted Boxing Fitness classes to everyone and anyone regardless of location.

So many individuals are really enjoying the live classes here in the DC, MD, VA area, from Seniors, to SCI, Stroke, Amputee, and even Therapists at the rehab hospitals. The class is fun, high energy, and challenging for everyone at ANY level.

We're in the initial stages, but plan to offer live streaming classes to everyone for a very nominal cost.

Stay tuned for now as I will be offering many trial classes to work the bugs out, tell your friends, and get ready to get your boxing on!

Check out for a sample warm-up session that I performed with my Senior group recently.

That's all for now!

Remember....Keep Fighting & Never Give Up!
